There is a dynamic going on in your studio that is much more of the motivating force to your student's success and your fulfillment then you might have imagined What you see on the outside is just the tip of the iceberg... As a professional music teacher, you mostly likely continue to study music and your instrument so that you continue to grow as a musician. But what investment do you make in your continued education to make your teaching more effective and fulfilling?
Take a moment to think about it...
Does most of your stress from teaching come from the relaying of information or from how to motivate your students to acquire that information and make it their own? If you are spending most of your time figuring out what to teach your students instead of how to teach your students to become self-motivated learners, you are trying to cut down an oak tree with a butter knife! It's time to sharpen your teaching ax. What if you could move from a teacher who is simply compensated for your musical skills to a teacher who is completely fulfilled and excited about each and every student? (BTW: Amazing things will happen to your compensation when you bring your own fulfillment to your lessons with your students!) When was the last time you left a lesson with that "warm fuzzy" feeling inside because you knew you had just made a huge difference in your student's life...not just their music?
Becoming an Empowered Music Teacher is about becoming a master of the underside of music education. There are plenty of places where you can find great song arrangements or fantastic new methods for the relay of musical and technical information. And while that information is important (and ever changing), the one thing that remains a constant in education is the humanness of our students. Where do you find the information to nurture this potential? Where can you find the information to create self-directed, accountable students that will make your job as a teacher more rewarding, fulfilling and less stressful?
"Nick showed to motivate students to practice, how to inspire them when their self-esteem needs a pick me up, how to re-energize a student who has already been squished or lost interest, or who excels in everything, but suddenly meets his match on the piano ... and all while boosting the student's self-image! ...being inspired automatically leads one to want to inspire others ... now imagine what could be achieved if the entire world did this?!" -Joy Ueng - Piano instructor
It's all a listening art...
Music is a listening art...and so is teaching. As a music teacher, you teach your students how to listen beyond the notes, to the emotional message the composer is trying to express through sound. The Empowered Music Teacher applies this same principal of listening to the art of teaching. (When you become an Empowered Music Teacher, you will learn the incredibleDiamond Distinction between facilitating and teaching. This one distinction alone will have a life changing impact on your interactions with your students...forever!)
The Empowered Music Teacher knows how to listen to the emotions of the student beneath the words they are saying. And, even more importantly, coaches the student how to hear, listen and respond to their own voice of motivation. How much easier would your teaching schedule be if you did not need to engage the assistance of a student's parents to motivate the student to practice? Imagine teaching in a way that your student responsibly and quickly solves his own motivational and learning challenges. I know it sounds utopian, but I also know it can happen. Why? Because I've shown hundreds of teachers how to do so.
What's next for you as an educator?
While strengthening a student’s musical skills is something every music teacher offers, the Empowered Music Teacher actually works on the student’s learning skills in a way that can be applied to all phases of their life. After all, isn’t a fulfilled life a journey of learning? Effective learning is an acquired skill and the expertise you acquire as an Empowered Music Teacher will set you apart from other teachers. It will shift your perspective and redefine your mission while also providing greater fulfillment and passion to your own life and those around you.
"... sometimes my awareness is so high it’s overwhelming...seeing that sparkle in their [the child's] eye that only comes from being confident and proud, is all I need to fuel another day. I am forever grateful to Nick for creating a program that works... and encourages and pushes me to be the “whole teacher”.
Natatia Nugent - Piano instructor, Elementary Teacher
Now is the time...
All you have to do to begin the shift from a stressed out to a stress free music teacher (an Empowered Music Teacher!) is to share your name and email in the box to the right. (Your information will always be kept private, as just like you, I don't like and don't have time for being spammed.)
In the next seven days you will be seven days older. Will you also be seven days closer to being completely fulfilled in your career as a music teacher or will you be having the "woulda-coulda-shoulda" conversation in your head? Join me now in transforming your career, your students and the world.